• CEO, Sinotherapeutics June 2012-present
– Founder and CEO. Has lead the company to grow to now about 160 staff, focusingon developing and marketing high barrier and high commercial value generic andinnovative formulation products. The company has filed 4 high-end genericproducts with US FDA, and have several additional products in the pipeline to befiled with US and Chinese FDA. The company also provide formulation CRO/CMOservices to companies with new drug candidates, has helped client companiesfiled several products with US and Chinese FDA.
• VP of Pharmaceutical Sciences – Wuxiapptech, March 2011– April 2012.
– Responsible for all aspects of operations and profit & loss for following threebusiness units of about 300 staff
• Pharmaceutical Development Services involving pre-formulation andformulation development, and pilot plant GMP clinical manufacture
• Analytical Development Services involving method development /qualification, stability and CMC data package for global filing, etcl.
• Product Development Services for international and domestic clients
– In charge of client development and interface,
– Staff recruiting and talent retention and training
– Head of Exploratory Formulation Development, Merck 2006-2011
– In charge of Schering Plough / Merck Exploratory formulation development– allaspect of development activities –12 staff in Summit, New Jersey, 42 staff inMexico.
– Problem solving for difficult-to-formulate compounds and provide prototypeformulations with enhanced in vivo PK performance for many early drugcandidates and phase II and III compounds.
– Conceive new product concepts as life-cycle management LCM candidates forseveral marketed products, and develop/demonstrate their technical feasibilities.
– Interface with external CRO / technology vendors for outsourcing /in-sourcingopportunities, and apply applicable venues for internal project development
• Head of Drug Delivery Assessment Group at Michigan, as part of Pfizer global drugdelivery network, 2002-2006
– Evaluated many external delivery technologies and applied several of them tolocal development projects.
– Provided prototype CR formulations for internal drug candidates
– Developed a patented CR formulation for Lyrica, a Key Pfizer drug
– Senior Investigator and Scientists at Alza Research Institute, 1996-2002; and atSyntex (Roche Bioscience) 1991-1996
– Developed many CR formulations for challenging molecules, includingcyclosporine A, Cirpro, Acyclovir, paclitaxel, and others
– Developed several IR formulations through phase II and III
– B.S. & MS, Shenyang Pharmaceutical Univ. 1982; and 1985; Ph.D. PharmaceuticalSciences, USC,1991; MBA, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, 2006
Sinotherapeutics Inc (SinoT) was founded in August 2012 by a group of scientists returning to China from US. The companyhas it’s headquarter located in 99 Haike Rd, Bldg #3, Pudong District,Shanghai, China. The company is classified as a high-tech enterprise in China.The company was funded with about $50 million USD from private investors.
Leveraging its established R&D infrastructure and advanced technologicalplatforms, and its regulatory know how in China and AP region,the companyis currently engaged in following lines of businesses: (1) develop, register,manufacture and distribute high-end generic products within China and aroundthe globe. (2) Provide pharmaceutical R&D know-how and high-end formulationproduct development and all walks of CMC services to global clients as well asaccess to many other local established CRO services/facilities for drugdiscovery/development activities.
SinoT has registered four controlled releaseproduct with US FDA, and two complex products with Chinese FDA. It is onschedule to register many more complex products with both Chinese and US FDAthis year. The company’s R&D facility as well as manufacture facility havesuccesfully passed FDA audit without any 483 observations.
SinoT has alsoestablished a list of clients, including Roche, GSK, Wuxiapptec, HuchingsonPharmaceuticals, and Hisun Pharma and Chengxin Pharma and many other localChinese pharma companies
宣泰医药成立于2012年8月,是一家专注于高端药物制剂研发、商业化生产和销售的高科技型企业。公司致力于药物制剂产品的国际化,为全球市场提供高性价比的医药产品。公司成功开发多个产品于全球多地区获批上市销售,在研产品治疗领域涵盖代谢,抗肿瘤,中枢神经等。公司总部及研发中心位于上海张江药谷,配备有先进的药物制剂处方开发实验室、GMP 中试车间和GMP 分析实验室。全资拥有的现代化药物生产基地位于江苏海门经济开发区,占地面积5.5万平方米,涉及固体口服制剂,高活性制剂生产车间。多次通过NMPA 及FDA 等官方现场审计。