
Club member

安松柱,广州源生医药科技有限公司,CEO, CSO

安松柱,广州源生医药科技有限公司,CEO, CSO


Dr. An is the founder of Curegenix. He is an expert in WNT signaling research with more than 20 years of drug discovery experiences in pharmaceutical industry. Prior to founding Curegenix, he was a Principlal Scientist / Project Leader at Amgen and a program director at Tularik in the US. He obtained an MD degree from Peking University Medical School and a PhD degree in Molecular Biology / Biochemistry from the University of Missouri-Columbia. After postdoctoral training in immunology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), Dr. An became an assistant professor in the Department of Medicine at UCSF.


应用国际先进技术,研发全球首创First-in-class抗肿瘤、抗纤维化新药 。广州开发区科技领军人才,广州市创业领军人才,国家十二五重大新药创制专项,著名风险投资机构及跨国药厂支持 。磷酸源生萘啶CGX1321完成中美双报,开展国际多中心临床试验,在全球十多家顶级临床中心完成临床2a期试验(Harvard, Johns Hopkins, Duke, 北京肿瘤医院等) 。临床试验结果在美国临床肿瘤学会 (ASCO) 2023年会上应邀做口头报告 。自主研发项目聚焦WNT通路抑制剂,不涉猎其它靶点。将借助研发平台和丰富经验,为业内同仁提供临床前研究服务、中美临床试验咨询。