
Club member




张瑞坤现任突破药业联合创始人、首席商务官,负责公司融资、商务合作及对外交流。此前曾任汉康资本投资合伙人,负责早期孵化和投后管理;意大利 NMS Group 大中华区首席商务官,负责集团公司业务合作、融资和商务拓展。张瑞坤曾是先声药业百家汇创始管理团队成员,担任百家汇执行总监,先声药业 JITRI 转化医学和创新药物技术研究所副所长,负责商务合作、孵化管理及投资国内外创新研发团队。在此之前,先后担任美国 CRO,XBL-CHINA 业务发展总监、加拿大最大药企 Apotex Inc.资深科学家和项目经理等职位。在北美、欧洲和中国生命科学领域积累了丰富的专业知识、商务拓展、管理及投资经验。张瑞坤拥有中国药科大学生化制药学士学位,马斯特里赫特商学院 MBA 学位。


Tupos Therapeutics is discovering breakthrough therapies to address large, persistent unmet medical needs. We have a vigorous pipeline comprised of high value targets with disruptive approaches in immunology and oncology. Tupos’ team consists of experienced drug hunters and industrial leaders with a proven track record. Our battle-tested drug discovery platform grounded in best practices of small molecule drug discovery over the last two decades, strengthened by emerging technologies. Our global perspective and cross-border execution, along with strategic partnerships with global pharmaceutical companies, allow us to transform cutting-edge innovations into clinically validated treatments for the global market.